Friday, April 22, 2011

OPI - Russian Navy Suede

Yet another great polish from my swaps with Carolina, I was thinking of buying this one myself but when I opened her package there it was.
So as you read this I am probably already in my country, because I have gone to visit my parents for Easter. We are orthodox and this year Catholic Easter and Orthodox Easter are in the same day, so I have Monday off!! Yeeyy!!
I am going to see my dear dear friends this evening, so I can't wait!! I haven't seen them since Christmas!!
Onto the polish, it's a beautiful dark blue, and silver shimmer suede polish, so you can't apply any top coat with this. But the finish is just so beautiful!! I wore this for almost three days and I did not get any tip wear!! I forgot the bottle at home as I was away on my weekend, and did not take any photos of the bottle, and I forgot to apply some top coat to show you how it looks like shinny. So I basically forgot almost everything.
And now here are the photos:


  1. Hope you have a Happy Easter and have fun with your friends and family.
    I love this color so much, the finish just reminds me to a bluejeans.

  2. The suede finish is great with this color, although it may be because I love all things blue!

  3. This looks great on you! Happy Easter!

  4. Thank you Happy easter to you too !!!


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