Tuesday, December 7, 2010

China Glaze - Bogie

Also a great color - absolutely adored it. In the darkness it is black, and in the light it becomes a dark violet.

And a little treat for animal lovers:


  1. Imi place la nebunie culoare asta! Si imi place forma unghiilor tale :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this with us!
    Here in Toulouse we had 15° oday and tomorrow we expect 18°. It's nice, feels like it's still october... but at this time of the year i'd prefer snow flakes instead:)

  3. @ alexa - serios?? multumesc mult.
    @cristina - te invidiez, noi congelam aici.

  4. bine, ok, hai c-o bag pe romaneshte :)
    pai da, azi am avut 20°C.
    iar la ora asta (21h sunt inca 15°C). Din pacate peste noapte o sa le pierdem pe toate. Maine 7°C resimtite 3°C... MERDE.
    who's alexa1202?


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