Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Essie - Too too hot

This is a swatch I did a long time ago, and I found it now, I am not even sure if this is indeed Too too hot, but I think that's it because it comes close enough.

So this is a cream orangy red, opaque in two coats, and with a lovely shine! I remember it was among my favourites from the Braziliant collection.

Perfect application, and I loved the formula. Hope I got the name right.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Essie Smokin' Hot & Nubar - Black polka dot

This is one of the Essie I got when I saw they dropped the prices to 4$ on Transdesign.
It is a cream dark grey colors with hints of purple. It is opaque in two coats, and the formula on mine was a bit thick. And I got some chips on the second day. Kind of dissapointed, but don't know if it's my nails, because lately everything chips on me.

I saw this other one on Nailstah, it was the prettiest glitter I had ever seen - I am talkin,g about the Nubar now, so I had to have it. It's a transparent base, with small black round glitter, and medium hex black glitter.What you see in the pictures is one coat.

I am loving this Nubar, and I will surelly use it on other occasions, it rocks!
Sorry the photos aren't excellent, but I am still ajusting and can't really find a good spot in my new appartement to take good photos. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Facebook page

Hey everybody!
Just a quick post to let you know that I have put up a facebook page for the blog. It's called Une Ruxi à Paris.
To like my page just click on the button that says Like on the right side bar.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Small nail polish finish dictionary - Dictionar de diferite tipuri de finisare a ojelor.

Hi everybody!
Buna tuturor!

I decided to do this post because I find that a lot of people don't know what to expect from a certain nail polish, and how to obtain the best effect from it.
M-am hotarat sa fac aceasta postare pentru ca observ ca multa lume nu stie la ce sa se astepte de la o oja si cum sa obtina efectul maxim din ea.

1.Let's start with normal creams - these are the classic shades, that can be found in all kind of colors, and have a normal shine once applied corectly in two coats. They are all opaque in two coats maximum. A perfect example is Essie Bobbing for Baubles.
Sa incepem cu finishul cream - acesta se refera la nuantele clasice, se gasesc intr-o multitudine de culori, si au un luciu normal odata ce sunt aplicate corect in doua straturi, de asemenea trebuiesc sa fie complet opace in maxim doua straturi. Un exemplu perfect este Essie- Bobbing for Baubles. 

2. The one that derives from creams are jellies. On these the finish is a bit more shinny than the creams, because it appears translucid, and they are rarely opaque. If you have to use 3 coats and it is still not opaque it's definitely a jelly. Flormar n° 28 is a good example - see how I still have VNL?
Un finish derivat din cream este jelly. Sunt mai lucioase decat cele cream, pentru ca par translucide, datorita faptului ca sunt rar opace. Daca ati folosit 3 straturi si tot nu e opac e clar ca e un jelly. Flormar numarul 28 e un exemplu bun - vedeti cum se vede inca partea alba a unghiei?

3. The shimmer finish is basically a cream filled with shimmer, just like what we find in eye shadows. They are opaque in two coats, and come in all variations of colors and shimmers. An example is OPI - My address is Hollywood. These too have the same shine as creams.
Finisarea sidefata (cum o chemam noi in Romania) este la baza o oja gen cream umpluta cu sidef cam ca ce se gaseste in fardurile sidefate. Acestea sunt opace in 2 straturi si se gasesc in toate combinatiile de culori si de sidef. Un exemplu este OPI - My address is Hollywood. Si acestea au acelasi luciu ca finishul cream.

4. Foils are metallic colors. They are opaque in two coats, and have natural shine. These come in all colors. An example is Dior - Timeless Gold.
Foil sunt culorile metalice. Sunt de asemenea opace in 2 straturi si au luciu normal. Vin in toate nuantele. Un exemplu este Dior-Timeless Gold. 

Or Nicole by OPI - Miss Independant - a pink foil.
Sau Nicole by OPI - Miss Independant - un foil roz.

5.Flakie - is a very popular trend nowdays, and it is basically a jelly polish, filled with these bits of flakies in different sizes, and different colors, that are duochrome. These are rarely opaque, since they are jellies, and I usually use them as a top coat, to give a different effect to another polish. They are normally shinny. A great example is Barielle's Elle's Spell which after 4 coats was still not opaque.
Flakie - este foarte la moda acum, si este de fapt o oja jelly plina de bucatele de nu stiu cum sa le numesc, sa zicem folie, care sunt in general duocrome. Sunt rar opace, pentru ca sunt jelly, si eu de obicei le folosesc ca un strat suplimentar sa dau un alt efect unei oje cu finish cream sau shimmer. Sunt in mod normal lucioase. Un exemplu foarte bun este Barielle - Elle's spell care dupa 4 straturi tot nu era opac.

 6. Matte- is a cream finish with no shine. It's kind of like the finish you see on some cars now.
It's opaque in two coats normally, and it does not need a shinny top coat, because it is meant to be like that. Just like this Peggy Sage
Aspectul mat este o oja cream fara luciu. Este ceva gen vopseaua aceea care este la moda acum pentru masini. Ojele acestea sunt opace in 2 straturi si nu au nevoie de top coat, pentru ca asa trebuie sa fie fara luciu. Ca acest Peggy Sage.

There is also a top coat that can make all polishes matte. Almost every nail polish brand has one. I use Essence Matte top coat. You can find an example bellow.
Exista de asemenea un top coat, care transforma orice oja in oja mata. Aproape toate marcile de oje au un astfel de top coat. Eu folosesc Essence Matte top coat. Un exemplu mai jos.
The nail polish originally/ Oja in starea ei initiala 
After applying the matte top coat/ Dupa aplicarea top coatului mat
7. Duochrome is a nail polish that is generaly opaque in two coats, and that changes color depending on the light you look at it. It has a shinny normal finish. Like Orly Royal velvet.
Cameleonurile sunt oje care sunt in mod normal opace in 2 straturi, si care isi schimba culoarea in functie de lumina din care sunt privite. Au o finisare lucioasa in mod normal. Ca Orly Royal Velvet

8. Holo finish is a polish that when you look at it in the sun it becomes like a rainbow. It's opaque in two coats or maybe 3 and works better if you apply it directly on the nail, without any base coat, or with a holo special base coat. These polishes are very expensive, because they contain some special particules, that apparently cost more than other nail polish ingredients. That is why not many companies choose to make this kind of finish. These are normaly shinny. Like this Milani Hi-tech.
Finisarea holografica poate fi recunoscuta uitandu-te la ea in soare- va aparea ca un mic curcubeu pe unghiile tale. Ojele de acest gen sunt opace in 2 sau 3 straturi si aplicarea e mai usoara daca este facuta direct pe unghie fara strat de baza, sau peste o baza speciala pentru acest tip de oje, care se gaseste in vanzare doar la unele marci care fabrica acest tip de oje. Aceste oje costa mai mult decat ojele normale, pentru ca contin niste particule speciale care sunt mai scumpe decat ingredientele normale din oje. De aceea nu multe companii aleg sa fabrice tipul acesta de finisare. Au finisare lucioase . Ca acest Milani Hi-tech.

9. Neon finishes are the bright colors just like your highlighters. These need around 3 coats, and dry matte, but need a shinny top coat to give out all their beauty. Like this Essie - Bright Tights.
Finisarile neon sunt culorile acelea foarte tipatoare in genul cariocilor pentru subliniat. Acestea au nevoie de 3 straturi si se usuca mate, de aceea au nevoie de un top coat, pentru a le face lucioase si a le releva frumusetea. Ca acest Essie -Bright tights.

10. Crackle polish is mostly a top coat, to be applied on other polishes. It is a polish that cracks and lets the polish beneath show. It has to be applied pretty fast, because it dries fast, and that's how it cracks. It need a shinny top coat, because it dries matte. One coat of this polish is enough to give the desired effect. And don't forget to let the polish dry a bit before applying the crackle because otherwise it will not crack.
Oja tip crack este mai mult un top coat, care se aplica pe deasupra altor oje. Este o oja care odata aplicata crapa si lasa oja de dedesupt sa se vada. Trebuie aplicata rapid, pentru ca se usuca repede. Peste aceasta trebuie aplicat si un top coat lucios, pentru ca se usuca mata. Nu uitati sa lasati oja de baza sa se usuce destul, pentru ca altfel oja crack nu va crapa. 

11. Glitter - is a very wide range of polish, can be found in different finishes, and the glitter can be in different sizes and shapes, and colors. I can't give you precise advice on how to apply this, or how many coats it needs, because it depends on the base polish.
Ojele cu sclipici, sunt de o varietate enorma, pot varia in functie de finisarea ojei de baza, si in functie de felul de sclipici pe care il contin. Sclipiciul variaza in functie de marime, forma si culoare. 
This is an opaque glitter with bits of the same size and different colors/ Acesta e o oja cu sclipici de aceeasi marime, dar de culori diferite si opaca in 2 straturi. 

This is a transparent blueish base with holographic glitter of different sizes/ Aceasta e o oja cu sclipici intr-o baza transparenta abastruie cu sclipici de diferite forme si holografic.

12. Suede is another variation of the matte finish, which as an addition to that has a shimmer inside. It is generally opaque in two coats, and has a matte finish, so no need for top coat.
Oja catifea este o alta variatie a ojelor mate, care spre deosebire de acestea are un sidef inauntru. Sunt in general opace in 2 stratur si au o finisare mata, deci nu e nevoie de top coat.

13. Frosty - Cristina reminded me about this one. It's a mix between the shimmer and the foil category, and it is normaly opaque in two coats. Some of these might be a bit streaky. They have a natural shine. I think this is the finish I can't stand, and that's why I forgot it. I don't even remeber ever swatching one. I think this Color club - Whicked Sweet is kind of a frosty.
Perlat (as zice in romana) - Cristina mi-a amintit despre aceasta categorie. E un amestec intre sidefat si foil, este opac in 2 straturi. Unele dintre ele sunt cam lasa dare. Au luciu natural. Cred ca e categoria pe care eu nu o suport. Nici nu imi amintesc sa fi facut vreo postare despre o oja de genul asta. Va trebui sa dau un exemplu care nu e al meu. Cred ca acest Color Club- Whicked Sweet  e un pic perlat. 

There are also other variations of the finishes listed before but I don't consider them as a different category.
Mai sunt si alte variatii ale finisarilor listate mai sus, dar eu nu le consider ca fiind categorii separate. 

I guess this is it. Hope I didn't leave anything out.
Cred ca asta e tot. Sper ca nu am uitat vreo categorie. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Essie - Armed & Ready

This polish is a part of the Go overboard collection 2012, and it is the only one that caught my eye from the 3 polishes.

It's a dark grey to brown cream base, with gold shimmer which gives it an overall look of olive green. The shimmer is very visible in the bottle but no so much on the nails, at least with no sun shine.

Thhis was 2 coats, application is ok, the polish is not runny, and I consider this to be a very unique color, and a great addition to my collection.

Natural light

Artificial light

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Make up with my new Sigma brushes

I got some new brushes from Sigma a few days ago and thought I'd try them out.

The first one, and the most important one because I will use it everyday, is the one for foundation F80, it's got nice soft bristles, and it works very well, the foundation looks very natural when applied with this brush. I am very happy with this purchase. It was 16$ and I think the delivery to France was about 8$.

Along with this one I also bought the E30, which is a small blending brush, that I bought for blending in the crease, because my other blending brush is way too big. I am very happy with this one too, and it was 9$. I think these are just as good as the MAC brushes and a lot cheapper, I remember I payed for my MAC 217 blending brush 24€.

On to the make up I did. I always put a moisturiser on before applying the make up, around the eyes I use Clarins anti-rides, and on the face Avene Yysthéal+ Anti-rides. 

After I apply my foundation, which is Make up Forever HD high definition foundation. I really love this! I have used other foundations, but I always come back to this one, because it is light, and doesn't make my face look like I have tons of make up on, providing in the same time good coverage.

Around the eyes I am currently using MAC concealler Studio FPS 35. I am not really into this one, but I bought it and I have to finish it. I find it too thick, and noticeble under my eyes. I previously had HD from Make up forever, but that one is extremely expensive for 2 ml. But I was super happy with it. This one has 7gr so that's a plus, but the product is not as good.

To fix this in place I use compact powder. I prefer compact, because loose is well loose, and I always find myself cleaning up afterwards. At the moment I am using Benefit Get Even. It's ok, but I think I should have bought a different color. I have a very light skin and usually buy the lightest shade in foundation, powder etc.

Then I proceed with the eyes, I always use a primer and I prefer Too Faced Shadow Insurance. It is the best, the shadow does not move throughout the day, and it is easy to work with.

The eyeshadow I used was Wet'n'Wild Knock on Wood. I ordered these on nonpareilboutique. These are super cheap and great quality, very soft, and well pigmented. I only used the bottom colors, because the browbone color is really too dark for me to use it as a highlighter. So the one in the middle was applied with the E30 brush.

As a highlighter I used this Rimmel:

The mascara I am using right now is Dior Extase, I fell in love with this one, and I am not letting it go.
And the eyeliner I used on my lower waterline, is a L'oreal pencil, but can't really tell you which color, because the name has dissapeared. I really love this pencil, I use it a lot.

So this is the finished look:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pink Wednesday - Essie - Olé Caliente

Sooooo, I guess this was my second pick from the Navigate her collection, and I must say I am not sorry, even though I already have like two thousand other colors like this.

Oky doky. I am a polish nerd. This is a cream bright, orangy coral, almost neon, but it does not have that neon finish. Although my camera kind of acted like it was photographing a neon, because you can see how tan my fingers look, even though I am white like flour.

The formula on this one was much better than on Navigate her- remember I said that that one was a bit runny- well this one was just thick enough. Two coats was perfect.

On top I applied the flaky wonder that is Essie Shine of times from the Luxe Effects collection.
I am going to say just this about this polish: Buy it!!!! Buy it now!!

It is packed with flakies, one coat is enough to get all the flakies that you want, the consistancy is just right, and very easy to work with. It's perfection in a bottle.

Mumu made himself a little nest out of the cushions

Neraida's blog

Hello everyone!
Hope you had a nice Valentine's day. My husband took me out to a very nice restaurant in Paris actually in the Opera Garnier. It's very chic and we had ourselves some champagne, and a nice meal. Here is a photo of the restaurant:

Anyways on to the purpose of this post.
My friend Neraida has a blog!! And it's about weddings and events. Since I also have a bridal manicure page she decided to dedicate a post to my blog, so I am doing the same for her.
Here is the link please check it out: http://www.designbyneraida.blogspot.com/2012/02/bridal-manicure.html

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Essie - Navigate her

Hi hello!
Posting two days in a row, wow!!
This is part of the new Navigate her collection and it was originally the only polish I was going to buy, because the other ones were too similar to other polishes in my collection, but decided finally to get Olé Caliente too, because I just fall for a good coral anytime.

This is a cream green kind of minty, it was opaque in two coats, but I found it too runny. And today tip of the iceberg, after one night I saw it chipped. I don't know if it's because of the formula though, because lately all polishes chip very fast on me, don't know why.

And bonus a make up I did using my Naked palette. I know I've shown you only brown looks, but I will soon do other colors.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Barielle - Elle's spell

I know you've all seen this probably a million times before, but this is the first time in real life for me, so I'm going to bore you with it.

First I applied it alone, and by the 4th coat it was still not opaque, so I said f*** that, I will layer it.
This is how it looks after 4 coats - still nice flakie goodness, but I am not a fan of VNL.

So I decided to apply 2 coats of OPI - Got the blues for red - you can check out the original swatch here (just for fun because it is a horrible swatch) - and then layer Elle's spell on it.
This is OPI all by itself.

And with the Barielle layered over it: