I have been doing a lot of thinking about this blog.
I don't know if I should continue to write it. It has not evolved at all, not many people seem to like it. So I am thinking why continue blogging when it interests so few. I have made some friends but not that many.
Blogging has not brought me enough to continue. In one year I have made around 3 friends, and have lost a lot of time writing my articles, taking photos, and processing them. This also requires a considerble sum of money, that now will be harder to invest in my hobby, seeing that we have a lown.
So I guess I am not good at it. That is why I have decided that I am taking a leave of absence and don't know when and if I will come back.
This is my way of saying thank you to those who read this blog, and who liked it. I am sorry but I just can't justify the time spent on this anymore.
For those who liked my blog and looked to see swatches, you can go visit my friend Carolina's blog - she posts a lot more often than me, and has nicer pictures and better looking nails, and lots of other better blogs than , all found in my sidebar.
So thanx everyone!!
love you,
I don't know if I should continue to write it. It has not evolved at all, not many people seem to like it. So I am thinking why continue blogging when it interests so few. I have made some friends but not that many.
Blogging has not brought me enough to continue. In one year I have made around 3 friends, and have lost a lot of time writing my articles, taking photos, and processing them. This also requires a considerble sum of money, that now will be harder to invest in my hobby, seeing that we have a lown.
So I guess I am not good at it. That is why I have decided that I am taking a leave of absence and don't know when and if I will come back.
This is my way of saying thank you to those who read this blog, and who liked it. I am sorry but I just can't justify the time spent on this anymore.
For those who liked my blog and looked to see swatches, you can go visit my friend Carolina's blog - she posts a lot more often than me, and has nicer pictures and better looking nails, and lots of other better blogs than , all found in my sidebar.
So thanx everyone!!
love you,
I'm so sorry...! I hope you come back soon.
ReplyDeleteMany of us follow and read your posts but not always comment. I think that a blog must be a hobby, not an obligation. Not always best blogs is those than more followers have.
See you! ;-) xoxox
Angeles my hobby is still there I will still paint my nails. I will just not be posting, because it takes too much time and money to fuel such a blog.
ReplyDeleteI'm sad to read that you are going to stop blogging (for a while). I understand where you come from though. It seems like you have to host a lot of giveaways to gain readers in the first place and then I wonder what kind of readers are those people. I rarely get comments on my posts too, but so far it only slightly bothers me.
ReplyDeleteI hope you will be back some time! :)
Kayono It wasn't even about the followers, it was about sharing my passion with others, but since not many people seem to like what I do there is no sense in continuing.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for considering me as your friend, you have an special place in my heart.
ReplyDeleteI feel sad about this, you are a great blogger, your swatches are neat and you always put a lot of effort to write your post. I hope you come back soon because I will be waiting for you.
I love you girl, hugs!!!!
Carolina thank you so much for your kind words!Love you ! Hugs
ReplyDelete:( This is not fun to hear! I have struggled with this too, feeling like no one really cares and that there are so many better bloggers than me, but honestly I really enjoy your posts! I think you're a wonderful blogger and you show lots of beautiful nail polish, and your swatches are nice and neat and you have great nails. I'm disappointed to hear you're taking a break but I understand. I'll be hoping you come back!
ReplyDeleteI agree blogging takes a lot of time. I hope to see you back soon, I love you blog. We will miss you. hugs*
ReplyDeleteIt is a pity you're taking time off, your swatches are amazing, I was looking forward to reading you from now on, as I'm a relatively new follower. But I do understand, if you don't find joy in blogging and feel it's only a time-eater for you, that's a different story, I wouldn't write anymore either. But if you change your mind, we'll gladly welcome you back. :)
ReplyDeleteLaura thank you for what you said, but right now I can not afford to input more time and money into it.
ReplyDeleteLydz I am happy to see that some people liked my blog.
Ulmiel I started blogging hoping to share my passion with people, but since I got so little feed back it made me think that I was maybe investing too much and getting not that much back. So it is time for me to take a pause and think about what make me happy, because lately blogging had become like a task, that wasn't even that rewarding.
A lot of times people read your posts but don't really have time to comment. But that doesn't mean we appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, blogging does take quite a bit of effort and money and it's no fun when you don't get feedback :( Blogging should be a hobby and something that makes you happy, not something that gets you down.
I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and swatches and I (everyone on here) will miss you so so so much <3333333
I saw you your title in my blogroll and was rushing over to congratulate you, only to read the sad news that you will not continue. I have been following your blog for a long time and love your swatches and your posts. I understand, though, how it feels to put a lot of effort into something and then not get a lot of comments. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth running my blog as well, but something is making me hang on for now.
ReplyDeleteI hope you will pop in every once in a while and say hi and please keep in touch! :)
I hope you come back soon. Don't loose your passion for blogging! :]
ReplyDeleteKelly - thank you so much, it means a lot to me to know that
ReplyDeleteAnutka - It's hard to invest that uch into something and not to see it doing well
Morgan - I will take some time to reflect and see if I can still do this.
Hi dear
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad you feel that way, even if I understand that. Blogging is really time (and €) consuming and sometimes I realize I'm a little bit obsessed about "have to post" or "have to swatch" and that I'm using all my free time (and more, as I'm stealing my sleep time) to do that, not having more time for all things I did before (as reading) or I'd love to do. Is it worth it? I don't know. Somedays I feel no one cares and I should stop it and recover some "me" time, other times I feel really happy when I press the "post" button, whatever reactions will be (comments, no comments, followers...).
Back to your blog, I really like your pictures and reviews, I find them accurate and reliable and that's what I appreciate in a blog, so I will miss you.
Taking a pause could be a good and "restoring" thing, I hope you decide to come back eventually...Hugs!!!
Aly thank you so much, you get what I am going through and I hope that some day I will find enough motivation to come back but for the moment it is just not satisfying.
ReplyDeleteRuxi, imi pare rau ca nu o sa mai postezi. Mai aruncam si eu un ochi din cand in cand. Dar eu te inteleg. Hugs&kisses
ReplyDeleteDa Biule, nu mai am nici timp nici bani. Si nici aceeasi tragere de inima. La inceput era ok ca eram la inceput, dar acum dupa atata timp, parca tot la inceput sunt.
ReplyDeleteI'm just discovering your blog as I'm new to blogging and learning my way around but I think your blog is great and you shouldnt go away. Maybe just post a few times a week something that you feel really insane about, but you shouldn't go away completely. Your blog is amazing and I know I'm only one person but I will keep checking back on you to see how your doing and if you have any new posts :o)
ReplyDeleteI adore your blog. I think you should keep writing your blog if it makes you happy! That is what is important.
ReplyDeleteAmy that's the thing it doesn't make me happy anymore.
ReplyDeleteruxi,nu intelegeam eu de ce nu mai era nicio poza cu niciun model, abia acum am citit....f. rau faci, nu exista saptamana sa nu umblu pe la tine pe blog, mi-am cumparat o gramada de oje dupa swatch-urile tale, ultima este kleancolour red velvit parca...
ReplyDeletesunt o gramada de persoane care te urmaresc din umbra asa ca mine si nu scriu, eu nu am vrut sa deranjez, ca ultima data dupa ce am scris asa mi s-a parut, asa ca nu am mai scris, dar te urmaresc permanent si eu nu am blog sa stii de mine.
sunt un anonim f. activ la tine pe blog.
te rog sa revii, posteaza mai rar si fa doar poze manichiurilor si atat fara prea multe comentarii sa nu-ti mai manance mult timp.
dar bani de ce ai cheltuit cu acest blog ? se plateste ceva undeva ? este vb. de ojele pe care le-ai cumparat ? dar nu le-ai luat pt. tine, pt. placerea ta ? adica oricum le luai cu blog sau fara blog, nu stiu eu asa gandesc..
Anonim- nu stiu de ce ti s-a parut ca nu am apreciat cand ai comentat(desi sincer nu stiu cine esti ca sa imi dau seama cand ai comentat si cum ti-am raspuns)
ReplyDeletept ca eu apreciez orice comentariu normal(nu cele in care mi se lasa tot felul de linkuri). Blogul ma costa bani, pt ca cumpar multe oje ca sa prezint colectiile noi, ceea nu imi mai permit. Plus ca nu prea imi aduce satisfactie un blog unde postez ceva si nu am nici o reactie de la nimeni. Facand o comparatie cu multe bloguri care exista si care au inceput dupa mine sau poate in acelasi timp, si care au comentarii enorm de multe la un post, iar eu dc am 3 comentarii e mare lucru, trag concluzia ca blogul meu place la ff putina lume, si chiar nu mai am timp sa investesc si sa obtin atat de putin in schimb. Sunt sigura ca vei gasi un blog sa iti placa la fel de mult sau chiar mai mult, ca acesta nu e nimic extraordinar. Iti multumesc pt complimente si chiar imi pare rau, dar nu se mai justifica timpul si banii, pt ca a devenit ca o corvoada pt mine.
hai mai ruxi, nu ai m-ai facut niciun model de atunci ? arata-ne si tu doar ce modele mai realizezi fara sa mai investesti bani in oje, doar cu ce ai. uite sa nu-ti para rau de banii investiti, eu cred ca am oje cam cate ai tu, daca nu mai multe...si totusi nu am blog, le-am luat pt. placerea mea si nu-mi pare rau.
Sincer eu nu faceam modele nici inainte, iar acum nu am timp de nimic, si am niste probleme de familie, deci crede-ma ca blogul si facutul unghiilor este ultimul lucru pe capul meu acum.
ReplyDeleteFew days ago.... I was like... Hum I think I didn't see Ruxi's nails around or I missed them all? Ö Especially when I saw your tweet....
ReplyDeleteAnd everytime I wanted to check I forgot because my memory isn't that great anymore. And when I finally came here (I know I'm late... for MONTHS!) I find this. :/
I'm mad at you (a bit) because you left 274 followers behind saying it's not worth it because not many people seem to like it. Just like we don't count. :( It's not all about followers, numbers, comments... I know I read your blog all the time, I'm just lazy with comments sometimes.
I'd do it for a single one who would like to read my posts, I would, because I love polishing my nails, taking pics of them and posting them! I won't say that having lots of followers don't mean a lot but it takes time to be found and loved. I'd rather have 5 followers who'd read my blogs than 1500 who followed me just because of a giveaway.
Hope you come back!
When I started blogging it was because I wanted to share my passion for nail polish. But since each one of my post barely gets a reaction, I feel like I am talking to myself. As I also have a job, and other problems going on in my life I really do not have more time to spare for this blog. I just don't have the motivation anymore, I did it for more than a year and I saw that other blogs that had started in the same time as me, were getting lots more comments, and followers, so I decided that I just wasn't good enough to continue.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that all the followers that I have read my blog.
So I really am sorry for the ones that did, and liked it, but I just can not justify all the time spent, and the money invested.
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