Wednesday, April 4, 2012

China Glaze - Stone cold

Hey everyone!
This is one of the polishes I chose from the Hunger Games collection.
I love this because it is matte, cause otherwise I woudn't have given it the time of day.

It's a black base, with silver kind of small flakes. I don't know how to identify them.
It takes two coats to become opaque, and dries matte.

I had some dragging issues with it, but the second coat did the trick. I tried it with top coat too, but it's better this way. The brush was great for this type of polish, I actually never had less application issues with a China Glaze.


  1. It looks cool! I like it :).

  2. Ooh this one was lovely, I got it!

  3. It's really an amazing matte!!! The shimmer is incredible!

  4. Felicitari pentru blog!
    e plin de idei frumoase...
    ce fel de camera folosesti de iti ies asa frumoase pozele? folosesti si lentila?
    nu vad nicio gresala, nici la unghii nici la poze :))

    succese in continuare! ....

    1. Camera este un Lumix FZ38. Ma bucur ca iti place, dar eu vad destule defecte :)

    2. Am uitat sa zic ca nu folosesc nici o lentila decat cea cu care a venit aparatul din dotare. Nu prea ma pricep la fotografie.

  5. Arata ft bine! Si eu mi-am comandat oja aceasta si abia astept s-o primesc luni :).


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